

Pay no attention to the man behind the plywood

Spotted this intriguing shot while walking across Portland's Steel Bridge. Captions, anyone?


Fields Notes of a Square Spotter

Always gladdened by a splotch of color on grey pavement, I spotted these gaudy quadrilaterals of an evening in downtown Portland, Oregon. Slightly fotoshopped for a painterly patina, just because.
The hatch

Green for go 

Distressed dumpster


End of the Petroleum Age Pt. IV

In oblique honor of this week's Sepia Saturday theme of Bibles...

I recently spent a night in Long Beach, Washington ("World's Longest Beach," a dubious distinction). On the way out of town I happened to cast my eyes to the left as we passed a defunct Union 76 fueling station and I saw to my astonishment these frescoed gas tanks. I reckon you might call these "Gas Stations of the Cross."

Here they are in detail. The juxtaposition of abandoned petroleum infrastructure and Christian symbology blows my mind.


