
State route

Variations on Oregon from the windshield... SR 19, SR 30, and I-84...



Family portraits

Kevin is always even-keeled, great to have a beer with.  He's into model trains.
Favorite song: "Rhiannon", Fleetwood Mac

Alex is typically bewildered by life in general.
Favorite song: "Suzanne", Leonard Cohen

Leslie is a chatterbox,  always ready to tell or guffaw at a joke.
Favorite song: "White Punks on Dope", The Tubes

Taylor is easily outraged by news programs.
Favorite song: "We Don't Need No Fascist Groove Thang", Heaven 17 
Madison is depressed and lonely much of the time.
Favorite song: "Wild World", Cat Stevens

Casey is exasperated and fatigued with the whole damn thing.
Favorite song: "Smells Like Teen Spirit," Paul Anka cover version

Jamie is somewhat prudish and easily blushes.
Favorite song: "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", Judy Garland

Jess: is a bit of a worrywort, if not an alarmist.
Favorite song: "Help", The Beatles

Jordan is a congenital doubter and snark specialist.
Favorite song: "I'm Not Angry", Elvis Costello

Sidney is very persnickety about food, among other things.
Favorite song: "Das Lied von der Erde", Gustav Mahler

Dale is a practical joker and tends to get into trouble.
Favorite song: "Hootenanny", The Replacements

Chris specializes in "dad jokes" and droll asides.
Favorite song: "It's National Shite Day",  Half Man Half Biscuit
Marion has memorized every song in the Beatles songbook and isn't afraid to demonstrate.
Favorite song: "Revolution #9", The Beatles

Tracy is a ponderer and philosopher, and writes in blank verse.
Favorite song: "I am a Rock", Simon & Garfunkel


Garden galaxies

Spent Mother's Day at the rhododendron species botanical garden in Federal Way WA. Seeing these stelliform flowers, my associative monkey-mind kicked in.

Milky Way photo by Joseph Cowdell

Pleiades Star Cluster photo by Tony Hallas/Science Faction/Corbis

The following one, in case you're wondering, is a debris-filled spiderweb.

Hubble photo via Indian Express


Still life with death

A morning wandering the aisles of Epic Antiques in Seattle, hunting the hunted.