
Daily Blah IV

This week's Sepia Saturday newspaperish theme provides me with an excuse for presenting another edition of The Daily Blah! This is an issue from 1936, when my father, the editor/writer, was 17... a mere 18 years before I was born. It gives a good "roundup" of local events in rural Livonia, Michigan.

The editor (left) and a cohort on the hood of the legendary Marmon

Uncle Clyde's renowned general store, Nelson's place of work
The "forest of signs" referred to on January 11 were all advertisements for various Old Dutch Mill products.
Bosco the delivery truck, I believe, and unknown driver (Aunt Gladys?)
If you missed them, there are a three previous Daily Blah posts: One, Two, and Three.


Beachfront Property

One of several abandoned houses adjacent to Commencement Bay (Tacoma, Washington).


Boatyard Blues

Sold our sailboat this week. We had it hauled out at Hylebos Marina in Tacoma to clean the hull so the surveyor could assess its state. While waiting for this, I wandered around the boatyard snapping the hardware, stained with years of assorted marine paintjobs.

Support I

Support II


The Blue Man


Shroud of Factoria

The local P-patch continues to grow (spring being what it is), but April weather is also what it is: notoriously fickle. So the young plants must be swathed in cloth to keep the frost off. A perfect example of the beauty of a bit of blankness. Again I took the liberty of punching these shots up with a little watercolor effect.

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