
Anthem for the Sunflower

Our went local community garden is rife, rife I tell you, with sunflowers of all varieties. I looked rather closely at a bunch of them and got all zen for a few minutes.

Mandala for abundance of commiseration with those more fluky than you

Mandala for tranquility of perception in odious context

Mandala for the custody of innocence

Mandala for the robustness of essence while all about you are losing their buoyancy

Mandala for the equilibrium of carriage despite swelling and tenderness

Mandala for the tidiness of array

Mandala for the proper cooking of noodles

Mandala for the paying of full attention to one's manager

Mandala for the elimination of unsightly blots upon one's duvet


  1. Wow! Those are truly delightful Sunflower Mandalas!!

    I gave you one of my weekly Goddess Awards for your Sepia Saturday post, it was fascinating! Come by to collect it if you like anytime!

  2. I'm so glad you like the award!

    People seem to use many variations on my name and my blog name, so whatever works for you is okay with me.


  3. I need me some of those mandalas!
